Weekly News For Families – 24.07.2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

What a fantastic last few days of the school year we have had. Some of the highlights include: the brilliant trip to Bognor Regis the children in Amberley, Bramber and Hastings Classes enjoyed; the awesome Rock Steady gig, where 32 children showed off their rock star skills; the Year 6 Leavers’ Service at St. Mary’s Church, where the children looked back at their time at primary school and looked forward to what lies ahead of them in Year 7; and the fun-filled end of term discos. We know how to end on a high!


On behalf of all the staff, please accept our thanks and appreciation for all the cards and gifts that were brought into school on Tuesday. We also need to say a huge THANK YOU to Laura Sothcott for organising the Summer Holiday Summer Hamper Raffle, raising a whopping £863. This money will be spent enhancing our Forest School Well-Being Curriculum. Thank you to everyone who donated a raffle item and bought raffle tickets. If you were lucky enough to win one of the hampers, we hope you enjoy your summer a little bit more!


Attached is a copy of the Summer Reading Challenge the children were introduced to during Monday’s Collective Worship. The children have been challenged to see how many of the different tasks they can do and tick off. We would like to create a ‘Summer Reading Hall of Fame’ in the school library in September, so please send in any photos of the children completing any of the tasks using the office2@yaptonschool.org email address.


Even though we are not together in school throughout August, attached is a copy of our August School Prayer for you to share at home. Thank you to Alex M, Artur, Lexi, Ruby L, Lila, Poppy W, Alfie S and Wojciech for their contributions.


Attached is the school uniform list. Please can you make sure the children wear black shoes. When the children are wearing their P.E. kits, they need to be wearing plain sports trainers – preferably white or black. They also need to be able to support the children’s feet when they are being active.


When we come back together on Tuesday 3rd September, the children will focus on one of our Christian values: Community. Please find attached details of the hook into the learning.

The whole school staff team wish everyone in our school family a very happy and safe summer break.

Take care

Kim Huggett