At Yapton C. of E . Primary School we have an ‘Open Door to Learning for All’. We understand and have developed a universal provision which is supportive of all of our learners. We are therefore able to identify when children may need extra support through early intervention and additional targeted interventions. We work closely with families to ensure that the appropriate support is provided.
The school’s SEND policy explains how we adapt the provision and teaching to enable all children access to all areas of the curriculum and how we support their learning. The school follows the guidelines set out in the Government’s Special Needs Code of Practice 2014. Using a graduated approach, teachers are able to identify barriers to learning. Through discussions with the SENCO and Inclusion Leader we will explore different ways or learning styles to encourage children to progress in their learning. The child will begin by engaging in an early intervention, followed by a specific targeted intervention. If we feel that the child is not making sufficient progress then we will explore others ways in which we can support your child. Through discussions with families we will develop an ILP (individual learning plan). At this stage, we will add your child to our Special Educational Needs register. We use the assess, plan, do, review model to enable us to create bespoke targets for children. On occasions, we may need extra advice and will involve outside agencies such as speech and language therapists and the Learning Behaviour Team. Our SEN register is regularly updated as we recognise that children develop at different times.