Dear Parents and Carers,

what a colourful start to our new school year. The ribbons and bunting outside our school certainly brightened up our return to school. Thank you to all of the families who took part.

We started our week with a Welcome Worship where we came together in our new classes. We shared our new prayer for September. Thank you to Bella, Brooke, Luca, Harry, Peyton and Lexi M who wrote the prayer for this month.

Each class was given a ‘rainbow’ wrapped present to take back to their classrooms. Inside was a book. The book was titled ‘MIXED’, written by Arree Chung. It was a story about a town of colours, who initially were happy all living together in harmony. They were all special in their own ways. As time went on, the colours were no longer happy living together and decided to divide. But, just as it seemed that there was no turning back, there was a a meeting of a ‘cool blue’ and a ‘bright yellow’ which could possibly save the day. Here is the linkto the story so that you can share the story with your children to find out what did happen. Essentially, this inspiring story shows that understanding, love and acceptance make the world a better place. This week has been a wonderful opportunity to reflect on our value of COMMUNITY.We ended our week with a celebration of the work that the children have taken part in this week.


Well done to all of the children who prepared a speech and spoke to their house teams. It was a very close contest and when the votes were counted, there were very few votes separating the candidates.

We are delighted to announce our House Captains and Sports Captains for this year.


St Andrew’s House – Mia & Reece

St David’s House – Indi & Olivia

St George’s House – Brooke & Logan

St Patrick’s House – Tilly & Kai


St.Andrew’s House – Florence & Grace

St David’s House – Lilyana & Elliot

St George’s House – Roksana & Oliver J

St Patrick’s House – Jake & Oscar SUMMER READING CHALLENGEIt was great to see so many families taking part in our ‘Summer Reading Challenge’. We gave out certificates today to the children who had sent in photos and/or brought in their completed challenge. The photos are in our ‘Hall of Fame’ display in our school library ready to inspire others.OPEN MORNINGS FOR EYFS 2025Our ‘Open Mornings’ for our new EYFS children due to start in September 2025 are on Friday 18th October and Saturday 19th October. Please see the attached poster for more details and how to book a visit.If any of our Year 6 children would like to help with the visits on the Saturday morning, please let us know by emailing our office2@yaptonschool.org email. They would need to be in school at 9.15 am and be collected at 12 pm midday. They will need to be looking very smart in their uniform. Thank you.


Our extra – curricular clubs will begin in Week 3. Unfortunately we have had issues with BROMCOM which is our ‘Information Online Management System’ which has meant that the organisation of the clubs has been delayed. The booking process and consent forms will be made available on Monday. I have attached the timetable so that you can see the clubs that are on offer. KEY DATES FOR THE AUTUMN TERMPlease find attached all of the important dates for this term.Have a lovely weekend.

Take care

Kim Huggett