Dear Parents and Carers,

we started our week with our Worship together celebrating our school community and reflecting on the story ‘MIXED’ that we had centred our work around last week. We took this learning on to explore how we are as people. We looked at how we are both the same and different within our school community. We talked about how we can make everyone feel welcome and happy in our school community. We have used the title ‘MIXED’ to create our own poster for our school detailing how we are all unique. I have attached the poster to this ParentMail. We reflected on part of the gospel of St John 13:34-35 ‘A new commandment I give you, Love one another as I have loved you.’ Our ‘MIXED’ posters are now around our school to remind us of our individual place in our school community.


From Wednesday to Friday this week, our oldest children have taken part in exciting learning outside of the classroom. Some went away to the Adur Activity Centre to do this whilst others stayed here at school. All of the children have had a fabulous time, taking part in new activities and developing new skills. Many have achieved new ‘personal bests’ over the three days.

It is important to thank the school staff for facilitating these activities and ensuring that these exciting opportunities were available. This includes every member of school staff, as everyone has taken on extra work over these last few days to make this happen. We are lucky to have such a great staff team. Thank you to everyone here at our school.


We will be busy creating our Christmas Cards on Friday 20th September !! This is early, but it means that we can be in time for the ‘early-bird’ deal which enables the school to make more money. This is a really positive fundraiser for the school. The children will design the cards in school and then will bring them home to you. We will send out further instructions for you to help you to place your orders for the cards. The card designs will then come back into school by 30th September for us to send away to be made into the actual Christmas Cards. We look forward to seeing the designs on Friday.


You may have seen our new tent that we have put up at school this week. This is an ‘ All-Weather’ tent that can fit in a class of children for stories or activities. There is a stove that can be put into the tent using the special design of the tent which incorporates an ‘air-way’ for a flue from the stove. This new outdoor space is going to be really beneficial for our ‘Fridays in the Forest’ where we deliver our ‘Wellbeing Curriculum’ particularly if the weather is not favourable! It will also be used at other times by individual classes. We are so thankful for the amazing fundraiser that we held at the end of the summer term when we created the ‘Summer Holiday Hampers’. Thank you to everyone who took part and has helped us to buy our new tent.


We are really excited to begin our ‘Fridays in the Forest’ and I have attached the timetable for you. Our youngest children in Camber and Lewes class will have ‘story-times’ in the Forest this term and will begin their ‘Fridays in the Forest’ next term.


From next week, we will welcome the Rev. Jamie Gator as a visitor to our school. Jamie works for the Diocese of Chichester and is currently completing a Masters Degree. We are one of three schools in the Diocese to be selected to share our practice as a Church School with Jamie. He will be here in school talking to staff, children , parents and governors during his visits. We look forward to welcoming him to our school.

Have a lovely weekend.

Take care.

Kim Huggett