Weekly News For Families 11.10.24 (sent on 14.10.24)

Dear Parents and Carers,

Another busy week has flown by. There are only two more weeks to go until the half term break, but lots of more learning is still ahead of us!

On Monday, the theme in our Collective Worship was ‘The Kitchen Miracle Maker.’ Whilst watching the miracle of the Feeding of the Five Thousand(accounts of this event are found in each of the gospels), the children were encouraged to reflect on what the story meant for them personally. Before leaving the hall, the children were able to think about how doing the Necessary(one of our THINK

values) small things can make big things happen.

Community Circles

Recently, the children gathered in their Community Circles. to explore two big questions: ‘What does Justice look like?’ and ‘Where is it seen or not seen in our world?’ Attached are some of the children’s responses. The teachers have already had a look at what the children said and have begun to plan in a golden thread of learning opportunities where the theme of Justice can be explored further within our curriculum.

School Crossing Patrol Guidance

We are extremely fortunate to have Mrs Welburn outside every morning and afternoon working hard ensuring everyone is kept safe as they cross the busy road next to our school. During one of their morning meetings, the children have been reminded how they can do their bit to keep themselves and Mrs Welburn safe. The key points are attached.

The Changeable Weather

Please can you make sure your child comes to school with a waterproof coat. Even though it is relatively mild, there are quite a lot of rain showers around. If the rainfall isn’t that heavy, the children will be going outside at playtimes to get some fresh air and have a run around. Without a suitable coat, the children will have to stay underneath one of the sheltered areas.

Avisford Park Hotel Event

This week’s third attachment provides details about an upcoming event at the Avisford Park Hotel.

Unwelcome Bugs

We do have a nasty sickness bug going around the school at the moment. We will be making sure the children are washing and sanitising their hands on a frequent basis over the next few days.

Take care

Kim Huggett