Dear Parents and Carers,
We’ve reached the end of January! I wonder how many new year’s resolutions are still alive…?
Through the changeable weather this week, three classes have enjoyed their Forest School sessions with Mr Floyd, whilst everyone else has managed to stay warm and dry whilst being engaged in their learning.
The Three Trees
On Monday, our Whole School Collective Worship continued looking at the theme of ‘Hope‘ through a story called ‘The Three Trees’. The children were able to reflect on how the trees’ dreams for the future didn’t exactly turn out as they hoped for. However, it seemed what did happen was even better! Perhaps you may want to have a conversation about what the children can remember about the story over the weekend. Here is a linkto the version of the story you may want to watch together as well. In the bible, the prophet Jeramiah says, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future,’ (Jeramiah 29:11).
Chains of Hope
On Tuesday, this theme was further explored as the children had a opportunity to explore a couple of ideas from our their Community Circles discussions. They talked about and then shared some fantastic thoughts about planting seeds of hopeand creating chains of hope. They said:
We are like the seeds who need to be cared for to grow.
We can’t just grow on own our own. We need help and encouragement.
We like it when good things we do get noticed.
Lots of these good things could be put together like links in a chain.Each class has been challenged to create their own chains of hope over the next couple of weeks. These will be brought into our last THINK
Worship before the half term break. I wonder how long the chains will be…?
Muddy Runners
On Wednesday, members of the Year 5 and 6 Running Club took part in the West Sussex Area Inter-School Cross Country Race at Bishop Luffa School, in Chichester. Luckily the rain stayed away for most of the afternoon. Well done to Ethan, Elliot, Leo, Indi, Lainee-Rae, Nihal, Alfie, Olivia, Poppy, Oliver and Archie who represented our school with their invisible crowns on their heads as they all completed the course in their respective races. Words used by the children to describe the cross-country experience included wet, muddy, exhilarating and fun! Thank you to Mr Coyle and Mrs Diggens for wrapping up warm to take them.
Chichester Corporate Challenge
Continuing on the running theme, these same children are now preparing for the three races which make up the Chichester Corporate Challenge. It has become a tradition to create an adult team to take part, as well as the children’s team. There are three races (around 4.5km in length) around the streets of Chichester in the evenings of Wednesday 5th March, Wednesday 19th March and Wednesday 2nd April. The adult team in the past has been made up of staff and parents. If you are interested in being part of ‘Team Yapton’ please follow this link
to enter the race (using the team name Yapton School). If you have any questions about the event please ask myself or Mr Coyle.
On The Playground Before and After The School Day
Footage from the school’s CCTV system has shown a few incidents where children have hurt themselves using the outside play equipment, including the Trim Trail opposite Hastings and Bodiam classrooms before the beginning and at the end of the school day. There is a sign which clearly states, ‘Children may only use the play equipment during school opening hours and when under the supervision of a member of staff.’
This statement has no intention of being mean or unfair: it is for the safety of the children. Children use the play equipment when there are First Aid trained members of staff present. We would appreciate your help in ensuring your children do not use the play equipment out of the school’s opening hours. Thank you.
Please can you also make sure scooters or bikes of any size are not ridden on the school playground before and after school. Again this is to keep everyone safe.
One Week To Go…
There is only one more week for the children to keep on preparing themselves for the Inter-House Geography Challenge. Details of what the children have been challenged to learn have been sent out through ParentMail a few weeks ago.
Book Swap
Our next Book Swap will take place after school next Tuesday – the 4th February. Come and see which books you can take away an enjoy together.
Whatever you are doing this weekend, stay safe.
Take care
Chris Hughes
Deputy Headteacher