Chichester Diocese Year 6 Leavers’ Service at Chichester Cathedral

Dear Parents and Carers,

On Monday 24th June, the Year 6 children are going to visit Chichester Cathedral to take part in a Leavers’ Service organised by the Diocese of Chichester. Year 6 children from a number of different Church of England Primary Schools will come together to reflect on their time at primary school as well as look forward to what lies ahead at their new secondary schools.

The service begins at 1:15pm and will last for no longer than an hour. The children and staff going with them will travel to and from Chichester by coach. We are not asking for any contributions towards the cost of the travel for this special event. We will leave after an early lunch and be back before the end of the school day. This year, we have a special role to play during the service: our Year 6 children will be the choir leading everyone in one of the hymns.

The children will need to be looking very smart in their full school uniform, with their hoodies being worn instead of school jumpers.

Parents and Carers are more than welcome to attend the service. There will be plenty of seating in the cathedral to enjoy the service with the children.

Please can the consent form for this event, found on ParentMail, be completed by midday on Thursday 20th June.

Kind regards

Chris Hughes

Deputy Headteacher