At Yapton C. of E. Primary School we believe that to live life in all its fullness we have an open door to learning where…

The teaching of RE at Yapton C. of E. Primary school, underpins and upholds our school values. Our curriculum intent states that ‘Children should have a curriculum that empowers them,’ RE teaching is our school is a fundamental part of this. Through our RE curriculum, children are exposed and introduced to our core values; Community, Dignity, Hope and Wisdom.
Learning from and through religion, both Christianity and multiple other key faiths such as; Judaism, Islam and Hindu, our children develop a secure understanding of themselves and the world around them. Learning about all faiths and the similarities and differences between them, enable children to reflect, question, explore and understand that different people may have different points of view, but that all should be equally valued.
Our RE curriculum offers children opportunities to express themselves and experience prayer and reflection in many ways, through our regular Prayer Space Station and whole school values themed weeks.
Above all else our RE curriculum should embed the importance of kindness and the celebration of uniqueness and difference.