Weekly News for Families – 10.01.2025

Dear Parents and Carers,

If it’s not too late to say it… HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Welcome back to the beginning of the Spring Term. What a busy start to the term it has been as well. On Monday, all the children were thoroughly engaged in a wide range of learning opportunities as the themes and topics for their learning were launched. The children in Early Years came across lots of characters from traditional tales; There was a fiery feel in the Key Stage 1 classes as the children began to learn about the Great Fire of London; The children in Lower Key Stage 2 found their voices as they reacted to the state of the world’s oceans; and eggs were saved (or scrambled) as the children in Upper Key Stage 2 tested out their parachutes.

Hope in the New Year

This month, our Whole School Collective Worship theme is HOPE. Hope is one of our school Christian Values. On Monday, the children watched a short film clip called ‘Never Lose Hope’ whilst carefully spotting the sign of hope within it. You can watch the clip here

. Hope enables us to be positive and think of how we can make good things happen. Hope is mentioned in our January school prayer, which is attached. Thank you to Bonnie, Scarlett, Oscar and Liam for their contributions.

The theme of hope was explored even further in Thursday’s Community Circles where the children gathered in their houses to discuss and share their ideas about the question: ‘How can we build HOPE in our school?’ There were some lovely ideas collected by the House Captains and the common responses are attached. These will be explored further in other Collective Worship times and Class Morning Meetings.

Key Dates

Just like any other term, there are going to be lots of exciting things going on during the next few weeks. Attached is a list of the key dates for the Spring Term, along with the dates for the children’s Forest School days with Mr Floyd.

A couple of dates, which may seem along way off at the moment, but worth looking out for are:

Thursday 6th March – World Book Day. The theme is ‘Read Your Way’ so we are inviting the children to come into school in clothes of their choice to enjoy a range of reading opportunities during the day.

Friday 14th March – International Day of Mathematics. As the theme for this day is ‘Maths, Creativity and Art’ the children may come to school dressed with clothes with patterns on them. We wonder how creative these will be…

Here’s to another brilliant term!

Have a lovely weekend.

Take care

Kim Huggett