Weekly News For Families – 10.05.2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

The sun is finally shining and sharing its warmth! Our EYFS children have most definitely been making the most of it enjoying their Forest School Day today, as well as having a fantastic time at Goodwood Farm yesterday. Here are some reflections from the day:

  • I loved seeing the cows because of the noise they made.

  • We saw where the cows went to be milked. 20 cows are milked at a time.

  • We tasted the milk from the cows we saw – it was yummy!

  • We made butter by shaking the milk in a jar.

  • I liked seeing the baby sheep which are called lambs.

  • I liked seeing the tractors.

  • The pigs played ‘What’s the time Mr. Wolf?’ with us!

  • Some of the pigs were called weenies because they were not with their mum and were too small to go outside.

  • We ground the wheat to turn into flour.

  • We are going to grow our own wheat.

    The day also involved a very walk long through the woods and along the edge of the farm. We think the children will sleep very well this weekend after two very busy days outside!

    Chartwells Newsletter

    Please find attached a copy of the Chartwells Spring Newsletter which we have just received and have been asked to share with you.

    Half Term Activities

    Also attached is a flyer providing details about the May Half Term and Summer Holiday Camps run by JC Sports. Although our school is not hosting a Half Term Camp, HAF places will be available at the Summer Holiday Camp which will take place here.

    Time to Shine

    Don’t forget our next Time To Shine will be after school next Friday (19th May). The children will be very keen to share some of their recent learning with you.

    Enjoy the weekend.

    Take care in the sunshine.

    Kim Huggett