Weekly News For Families – 27.09.24

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have reached the half way point of the first half of the autumn term. So much learning has happened so far!

In Monday’s whole school collective worship, the children were challenged to think about what the bible verse in our school vision, “…to live life in all its fullness” (John 10:10)

actually means to them. There were some great responses including ‘enjoying everything you do’, ‘doing lots of things and not letting life pass you by’ and ‘enjoying doing things with other people’. We had a look at the Unique Yapton Journey by listing some of the exciting opportunities the children ill experience, either as a whole school or within their key stage phases. The children left the hall thinking about how our school vision encourages them to be the best versions of themselves.

On Tuesday, Reverend Richard led our collective worship and shared some vert important news. The only trouble was we couldn’t understand what we were listening to. This was the message was played to us in French, German, Spanish and Welsh! Richard said that he was reminded about the times in the bible when the disciples didn’t understand what Jesus was telling them and were too afraid to ask. Richard reminded the children about the importance of asking questions when they don’t understand something. We did find out what the important message was: on Tuesday, there were 92 days until Christmas!

Harvest Donations

Thank you to all of the Food Bank donations that have already been brought into school. There is still time to bring them in at the beginning of next week. Don’t forget you are more than welcome to join us at our Harvest Festival Services at St.Mary’s Church on the morning of Tuesday 1st October.

Half Term Holiday Clubs

Attached is a flyer from The Outdoor Project who ae running a Half Term Holiday Club at the end of October.

This link

provides information about the Half Term Holiday Club run in Chichester by Pompey in the Community (Portsmouth Football Club).

Christmas Cards

Please remember to bring the card designs back into school on Monday 30th September 2024.

Have a lovely weekend.

Take care

Kim Huggett