Weekly News For Families – 28.02.25

Dear Parents and Carers,

Welcome back to the second half of the Spring Term! The children came back on Tuesday and thoroughly enjoyed the exciting hooks into their learning. The children in the Early Years classes had a brilliant time transforming cardboard boxes into their personal seats to sit in whilst enjoying popcorn and a film in the afternoon. It seemed that some animals had escaped from the zoo and had come to visit the children in the Key Stage 1 classes. They were keen to answer lots of questions the children asked them. Dissection and mummification was the order of the day in the Lower key Stage 2 classes where the children began the process of preserving oranges, Egyptian style. A touch of joie de vivre filled the Upper Key Stage 2 classrooms as the school day began with a French breakfast!

St. David’s Day

It was lovely to see all the members of St. David’s House wearing a splash or lots of yellow today. Well done and thank you to Olivia and Indi, our St. David’s House Captains, for leading part of our THINK Worship by sharing what they had found out about St. David as well as some of the traditions and customs associated with this day.

Our School Improvement Journey

We are on a continuous journey to improve what we do here at Yapton C. of E. Primary School and during the INSET Day at the beginning of the week, the teachers spent time reflecting on and planning the next steps on aspects including:

  • the teaching and learning of reading

  • the incorporation of our school values into our PSHE curriculum

  • how our bespoke curriculum, as well as everything else we offer, encourages our children to flourish

  • being the only school in the Chichester Diocese who has been invited to take part in a Diocese-led pilot ‘Faith in Action’ Award

    More information regarding these will be shared at the appropriate times.

    Reading Workshop

    As well as the staff and the children having their roles to play in the school improvement journey, we value the support parents, carers and families provide. The best progress is made through partnership. As we continue to develop the teaching and learning of reading, we would like invite to invite you to a Reading Workshop on Wednesday 26th March. The workshop will run both at 2:45pm and at 6:00pm. Please put this date in your diaries or on your calendars. More information regarding these will be sent out next week.

    World Book Day Competitions

    Mrs Cummings would like to say a very big thank you all the children who entered the World Book Day Reading Poster Competition. There were many lovely designs and ideas on them. A special well done and congratulations need to given to these children who each won a £5 voucher to spend at the Travelling Book Fair which is currently in school:

  • EYFS: Jaxon

  • Key Stage 1: Ruby

  • Lower Key Stage 2: Daisy

  • Upper Key Stage 2: Maisie

  • Overall Winner: Bani

    Don’t forget the Travelling Book Fair is open after school until Monday afternoon. There are lots of lovely books to choose from. The more books that are bought, the more money the school will be given to spend on books as well!

    Thank you and well done to all of the children who decided to enter the World Book Day Story Writing Competition organsied by Alison Griffiths, the member of parliament for the local area.

    Bronze Ambassadors

    Five of Year 5 children went to The Arena Sports Centre, In Bognor Regis, to take part in their Bronze Ambassador training. Reegan, Mila, Teddy, Felicity and Alfie enjoyed an active afternoon with children from a number of other local schools. They also spent some time thinking about the qualities the need to have to carry out their Bronze Ambassador roles in school which will include organising and running a sports club. Of course these five children were fabulous ambassadors for our school with their impeccable behaviour and enthusiasm join and take part.

    Progress Reports

    The teachers have been busy writing the children’s annual progress reports for this academic year. These have come home with your children today. Please spend some time reading them with your children as they have been written to them, rather about them. Our next formal Parent-Teacher progress meetings are not until the summer term, if there is anything you would like to discuss, please talk to your child’s teacher to arrange a suitable time.

    The Advert Break…

    Attached are three different flyers:

  1. Chartwell’s Easter Lunch

  2. An Easter event at The Avisford Park Hotel

  3. An opportunity from The University Of Chichester

    School Crossing Patrol

    Just to let you know, Mrs Welburn will not be providing the School Crossing Patrol Service on the afternoon of Monday 3rd March. Please take extra care when crossing the road after school on this day. If your children has permission to walk home from school on their own, you may wish to come and collect them.

    Have a lovely weekend. I hope you will be able to enjoy the sunshine in the first few days of Spring.

    Take care

    Kim Huggett