Dear Parents and Carers,

we began our week with our SIAMS Church School Inspection. Ms Costa our Inspector was very impressed with the manners that our children showed her and their positive attitudes to their learning. Thank you to those parents who gave up their time to either speak to Ms Costa on the playground or at the meeting with her. We really do appreciate your support. As soon as we receive the final Report, we will share it with you.

Our first Worship of the week on Monday was centred on the value of ‘Trust’. Each class had been asked to look after an object and bring it in to the hall when we gathered for Worship. This was to give a practical example of ‘trust’. We shared the story of Noah and the Ark and talked about how Noah had put his trust in God by building the Ark to save his family and the animals from the great flood. This story can be found in the Book of Genesis: 6 13-22. We used the story to help us reflect on how we can be a trusted member of our school family. On Tuesday we reflected on the words of Jesus: ‘Don’t be afraid, just trust me.’ (Mark 5:35).On our ‘prayer tree’ in the hall the children have been writing ideas of how to be a trusted member of our school families on rainbows. Some of the ideas so far have been really inspiring:

  • Tell the truth

  • Be loyal

  • Be a good friend

  • Show care


    We had the amazing opportunity for some of our Y4 and Y5 children to spend a morning at Middleton Cricket Club with children from Clymping Primary School. The children received coaching from two of the coaches from Middleton Cricket Club. Well done to Poppy W, Maisie E, Florence, Oliver L, Elliot, Kai, Leo and Alex T for their enthusiasm and their improved technique over the course of the morning. A special mention from the coaches goes to Maisie, Elliot and Kai for their particular cricketing skills.


    Monday – TUDOR DAY

    Tuesday – Y3 & Y4 BIG SING here in school with children from two other local schools

    Wednesday – TRANSITION DAY




    We are really excited to share the news that Miss Hook is expecting her first baby in October. Miss Hook will therefore not have a class when we return in September but we are delighted to share the news that Mrs Railton will be staying with us for another year.

    We are excited to welcome Mrs Charlotte Gould and Mr Sam Lax to our teaching team. They will be here for Transition Day before joining us in September.

    ARRANGEMENTS FOR 2024-2025

    I have attached our staffing organisation for September. I would like to thank Mr Will Cox for the sterling job that he has done as temporary KS2 Leader for the last two terms. It is not easy to step into a leadership role part way through an academic year, but he has made it look seamless! We are thrilled that Mr Cox will be staying with us as part of our teaching team.

    Our Leadership Structure Line Up for September will be –

    EYFS & SEND Leader – Mrs Leah Emery Winter

    Key Stage 1 Leader – Miss Ellie Parsons

    Key Stage 2 Leader – Mrs Amanda Cummings

    School Business Professional – Mrs Paula May

    Deputy Headteacher – Mr Chris Hughes

    Headteacher – Mrs Kim Huggett

    We are looking forward to an exciting 3 weeks and 2 days as we end this academic year and are looking forward to beginning again in September. We will send out arrangements for the new classes for September 2024 today, so that the children know who their classroom adults will be before their ‘Transition Day’ on Wednesday. The classes are arranged carefully by the staff to ensure the best learning opportunities for the children.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Take care

    Kim Huggett