Young Voices 2025

Dear Parents and Carers,

Over the last three years, children from our school have taken part in the Young Voices concerts at the 02 Arena in London. About 9,000 children’s voices come together to perform in a truly amazing event – an experience they will never forget.

It is planned that we will be able to take another Key Stage 2 Choir (a maximum 50 children) to next year’s concert in January 2025. Our Key Stage 2 Choir welcomes all children. There isn’t any kind of audition. The whole experience over the Autumn Term and into the following January will develop the children’s love of singing.

In the past, the school has been able to cover the costs of the event, meaning parents and carers who went to the concert only had to buy their tickets. Our school budget can no longer afford to absorb the costs of the whole Young Voices experience. Therefore, if we were to consider taking part in 2025, we would be asking for a contribution of about £25. This would cover the cost of the coach travel for a choir of 50 and the children’s concert t-shirts. Sponsorship or donations towards the cost would lessen the contribution amount.

So before signing up to Young Voices 2025, the school needs to have an idea about how many children would be committed to taking part. This commitment would include 2 before school rehearsals a week during the Autumn Term. I would be very grateful if you could complete the online form indicating the commitment by Friday 24th May.

Kind regards

Chris Hughes

Deputy Headteacher