Dear Parents and Carers,

the second week of our Summer term has flown by!


On Monday, Jessica and Molly (our St George’s House Captains) led a whole school Worship all about the life of St. George. They talked about who St. George was and how he was persecuted by the Romans. He was made a Saint because of the persecution that he suffered. It was great to see our children in St.George’s House dressed in red on Tuesday 23rd April.

Our Worship on Tuesday was led by Rev Richard. He encouraged us to follow a Good Shepherd. He explained how the job of the shepherd was to keep the sheep safe. In Psalm 23 in the Bible tells us ‘The Lord is my Shepherd, there is nothing I shall want’. We thought about who would be a Good Shepherd for us to follow.


The children in St. Patrick’s House enjoyed their time in the forest this week. This was the prize that they chose from our reward menu for the winning house. They accumulated the most merit points over the second half of the Spring Term. I wonder which house will win the most merit points this half-term?


Three of our pupils in Year 5 were invited to attend a writing workshop with some other schools in Chichester. We are so proud of Florence, James and Kai who really demonstrated their flair for writing during the day. Mrs Emery, one of our Governors supported the children during the day and was impressed not only by their writing talent but their exemplary manners and behaviour.


We are so excited to be able to share with you that Mrs Barwick has had her baby! We welcome baby Louie to our school family. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Barwick and big brother Finley.

Let’s hope that the sun makes an appearance this weekend!

Take care

Kim Huggett