Weekly News For Families – 20.09.2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

We are already at the end of our third week of the Autumn Term! We have had a number of visitors into the school over the past couple of weeks and it has been lovely to hear them all recognise the calm, happy and purposeful atmosphere there is throughout the school!

In Tuesday’s Collective Worship Reverend Richard encouraged us to think about other festivals and celebrations that happen around this time of the year when the new school year starts. As well as the Harvest Festival (which we will be celebrating soon), he told us about the start of the Jewish New Year which occurs around this time. He even brought in a Shofar which is a hollowed out animal’s horn. As part of the Jewish New Year celebrations this is blown. Richard had a go and some of the children thought it sounded a bit like an elephant!

New terms and new beginnings can be daunting times. We can be encouraged by these words that are written in The New Testament of the Bible: ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper and hot to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’ Jeremiah 29:11

Harvest Festival Celebrations

As a school family, we will be enjoying our Harvest Festival when we go to St. Mary’s Church in the village on Tuesday 1st October. There will be two services:

  • EYFS and Key Stage 1: 9:30am

  • Key Stage 2: 10:30am

    Both services will be led by the children. Parents and carers are warmly invited to attend and we will be looking for lots of volunteers to join us as we walk to and from the church. Please let your children’s class teacher know if you are able to help out.

    As well as considering our gratitude in our Harvest festival celebrations, here at Yapton C. of E. Primary School it is an opportunity to show our generosity. Every year, we make a collection of donations for the Bognor Regis Foodbank. This is a vital service that offers so much help to so many families. Did you know 5,763 people benefitted from the Bognor Regis Foodbank in 2023? Attached is ‘shopping list’ of the items that are ideal gifts. The children can bring these gifts into their classrooms during the whole of next week.

    Assessment Information Meetings

    In a couple of weeks’ time there are some meetings in which important information about key assessments will be shared:

  • Monday 7th October: The End of Key Stage 2 Assessments (SATS) for Year 6 parents and carers

  • Tuesday 8th October: The End of Key Stage 1 Expectations for Year 2 parents and carers

  • Wednesday 9th October: Phonics and Early Reading for EYFS and Year 1 parents and carers

  • Thursday 10th October: The Multiplication Tables Check for Year 4 parents and carers

    Each of these meetings will be held twice – at 2:45pm and 6:00pm and we look forward to seeing you at them.

    Forest School

    An important aspect of our Well-Being Curriculum is linked to the learning that takes place in our School Forest. The autumn term ‘Fridays in the Forest’ begin next week. Attached is the timetable. Don’t forget the children will be outside all day and need to dress in clothes (not school uniform) which are suitable and appropriate for the weather. Long trousers are needed – especially if the children want to climb the trees.


    Our exciting and engaging curriculum for this term is well under way. The best way the children are going to get the most out if it is by being here at school. Attendance is key! We appreciate there are times when children are not at school because they are unwell or may have a medical appointment. Attendance is carefully measured and tracked. To quote a 1990’s Saturday morning television programme: ‘Miss it, miss out!’

    Parent Teacher Meetings

    These meetings are an opportunity for you to discuss your child’s progress with their class teacher. The dates for these are as follows:

  • Camber Class: Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th October

  • Lewes Class: Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th October

  • Amberley Class: Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th October

  • Hastings Class: Monday 14th and Wednesday 16th October

  • Arundel Class: Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th October

  • Bodiam Class: Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th October

  • Pevensey Class: Monday 14th and Thursday 17th October

  • Cowdray Class: Wednesday 16th and Thursday 17th October

  • Portchester Class: Monday 14th and Wednesday 16th October

  • Southsea Class: Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th October

    You will be able to book a 10-minte appointment between 3:30pm and 6:00pm online through ParentMail. Bookings will open at 9:00am on Wednesday 25th September.

    Christmas Card Fundraiser

    Laura Sothcott, one of our parent governors, has kindly organised a brilliant fundraising opportunity for our school. She writes:

    Today your child will be coming home with their Christmas card design. Your child’s design will have its own unique number, please ensure if you have more than one child you use the correct number for their name. There are full instructions on the design paperwork on how to place your orders, these have to be done online and paid for on the website, cash cannot be accepted by the school for orders. Please ensure that you choose your child’s correct class (castle name) otherwise it will automatically default to the first class on the list. If you are unsure of the name of your child’s class please ask. Please try not to fold the design as this may affect the outcome of the design on what you purchase. The designs need to be handed back to your child’s teacher no later than Monday 30th September to be returned to the company to create your purchases. All orders will be delivered to the school and distributed to each class for your child to bring home. Finally if you have any questions or queries please contact L.Sothcott@yaptonschool.org

    Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour

    Craig Barton – our Family Support Worker from the Dedicated Schools Team – wanted to share some information about a free course:

    Being a parent can be difficult! Children don’t come with manuals, and it is ok that sometimes on our parenting journeys we ask for a little help to know how to do the best for our children. We are here to listen and offer a space to reflect, where we can think together about what is behind the behaviour that you see in your child and allow time for you to think about what might help. We will be running the Understanding Your Child’s Behaviour course across 4 one hour sessions in school from 2-3pm on Thursday 7th November through to, and including Thursday 28th November. Please contact the school office (office@yaptonschool.org) if you would like to join.

    Rock Steady Gig

    If your child is in one of the Rock Steady bands, here is an important date for your diary: Friday 20th December is when you will be able to see the bands perform in the school hall at 9:30am.

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Take care

    Kim Huggett