Dear Parents and Carers,
Our first week back after the half term term had an explosive start – particularly for our Year 5 and 6 children, who enjoyed making volcanoes as part of their hook into their learning. Other hooks included a colour festival enjoyed by our Early Years children, a virtual workshop with the Novium Museum for the Year 1 and 2 children as well as a Mayan feast prepared and eaten by our Year 3 and 4 children.
Following on from October’s Community Circles discussions, the theme of Justice was explored further in our whole school collective worship on Monday. Justice is defined as ‘fairness in the way that people are dealt with.’ The children were able to develop their understanding of this when through watching and talking about the fairness of a game involving two children and one hat. Their ideas led to way in which the game could be played in a fairer way. The children then had some time to consider how justice fits within our THINKvalues. When writing to the Philippians, Paul wrote, “Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honourable, what ever is just, what ever is pure, what ever is lovely, what ever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8
Prayer for November
A new month brings a new school prayer. Thank you to Olivia, Lilyana, Alexus, Alicya, Julia, Laura, Sneha, Isla, Ruby, Naira, Emilia, Lexi, Lily, Isaac, Mila and Darcey-Rose for their contributions to the prayer which is attached for you to share at home. Common themes in their ideas were the bright fireworks and the time for remembrance.
Remembrance Day
A quick reminder for Monday: if your child attends a different uniformed organisation (e.g. scouting/guiding/etc), they may wear their uniform to school on Monday when we will gather as a whole school community to gather for our Act of Remembrance. We hope any children who are taking part in any Remembrance Parades at the weekend enjoy them and feel proud in their uniforms. Thank you for all the donations that were brought in for the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal. We will let you know how much was raised once we have been told.
Anxiety Toolkit and Parent Support Drop-ins
Attached are a couple of flyers advertising some parenting advice and support.
Christmas Lunch
One final attachment provides details about the Christmas Lunch provided by Chartwells on Thursday 19th December.
Have a lovely weekend.
Take care
Kim Huggett