Dear Parents and Carers,

the sun has shone for us today and the talents of our amazing children certainly shone at our ‘Time to Shine’ this afternoon.


We began our week reflecting on the THINK

value that we found the hardest to carry out. We shared the votes from our recent Community Circles:

Being True

  • 61 votes

Being Helpful

  • 10 votes

Being Inspiring

  • 48 votes

Doing things that areNecessary

  • 75 votes


Being Kind

  • 21 votes

We talked about the example of Jesus during his last days when he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane and the difficult decisions that he made when he prayed ‘Yet not my will, but yours’ (Luke 22:42)

. We explored the meaning of ‘necessary’ and what that might look like at school. We created a pretend classroom and Albert and Theo T from Y6 were our pupils! Then we listed all of the things that we could do that were necessary to make our school the best that it could be! We agreed to become ‘NECESSARY NINJAS’ and everyone chose one necessary action that they were going to carry out this week.


We are so proud of our amazing swimming team who have qualified for a National Swimming Competition. They competed in a Regional Competition in Guildford at the weekend and are now off to Sheffield very soon! This is an incredible achievement. Well done to Jessica B, Chloe and Evan in Y6 and Lilyana in Y5. We can’t wait to hear how they get on!

Looking ahead we have an exciting end to this half term!

OUTDOOR CLASSROOM DAY ON THURSDAY 23.5.24 – this will be a great opportunity for us all to take our learning outside of the classroom! The children will need to wear appropriate clothing for the weather.

OUR COUNTRY DANCING FESTIVAL ON FRIDAY 24.5.24 – this will begin at 2pm. Families will need to bring their own chairs/picnic rugs to sit on. It will end very near to the end of the school day so families will be able to collect their children from the classrooms straight after the dancing.

Now that the weather is warmer, it is really important that the children have water bottles and sun-hats. They must also have sun-cream applied before they come to school.

Have a great weekend.

Take care

Kim Huggett