Weekly News For Families – 23.02.2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

Tuesday’s return to school saw all the children excitedly engaged in their Learning Hooks, which kicked off their learning for this half term. During the day there were travel tickets, a space dome, mini-Bedouin tents and larger canopies and shelters!

Reverend Richard led our Collective Worship on Tuesday and shared the prospect of someone very important – perhaps even King Charles – coming to visit our school. However, he wouldn’t be coming wearing his royal robes and crown, or smart clothes. Instead he would appear “looking like he had been sat in a rubbish dump for a couple of weeks.” Richard went onto to explain that in times gone by, important people would come alongside other people wearing sack cloths and ashes – particularly on Ash Wednesday (which was during the half term break) to show they wanted to say sorry for the mistakes they had made. Richard challenged the children to think about how they could show they are sorry, when they make mistakes or do something wrong.

School Improvement

As part of the school’s continuous journey of improvement, the teachers used Monday’s INSET Day to explore ways of developing the way handwriting and spelling is taught. They also spent reflecting on the strengths of the school as well as the progress that has been made inline with our current School Improvement Plan. This resulted in new objectives for the 2024-2025 School Improvement Plan. These will be shared with you in next week’s newsletter.

Easter Dates

JC Sports will be running an Easter Camp here at school during the Easter Holidays. The dates for these are the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th 10th and 11th of April. HAF places will be available. Details on how to book places will be sent out in the near future.

The Avisford Park Hotel is organising a day full of fun on Sunday 31st March. Further details of this are attached.

St. David’s Day

Next Friday (1st March) is St. David’s Day. Those children who are in St. David’s house are invited to wear something yellow to school on this day.

Have a lovely weekend.

Take care

Kim Huggett