Dear Parents and Carers,

we have had an amazing last week of this half term!

We began our week with our Worship which was led by Chloe and Betsie – two of our Year 6 House Captains. They helped us to learn about the feast of Pentecost. We discovered that Pentecost Sunday occurs 50 days after Easter Sunday. The disciples were gathered together in a room when they felt a rush of wind and elements of fire rested above their heads. They spoke in many different languages. This event is the birthday of the church. Following this experience, the disciples went out to preach the ‘Good News’ of Jesus to many others. Pentecost symbolizes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Many Christians prepare for Pentecost by cleaning and preparing a feast. They decorate their homes with wildflowers and plants. St Paul wrote the following prayer about Pentecost in his letter to the Romans: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

We were pleased to welcome our visitors from OFSTED on Tuesday for our 2 day inspection. They were so impressed with the children’s interactions with them and in particular their manners and care for each other. As soon as we have the final report, which we are hoping will be mid-July, we will share it with you. Thank you for your continued support for our school and all of the positive comments on the ‘parent survey’. We really do appreciate this.

On Thursday, our Outdoor Classroom Day was blessed with beautiful sunshine! We lit the fire in the forest and served hot chocolate or hot squash to 295 thirsty explorers! Children were planting seeds and plants, going on bug hunts, playing in the forest and the mud kitchens along with artwork and nature based maths, all being done outside!.

The ‘grand finale’ of the week was most definitely our Country Dancing Festival today. The children were proud to share their dances with you and definitely enjoyed the ‘family dances’ at the end.


I have attached the hooks for the next Learning Journeys. Please have a look to find out about the exciting events that will be happening for the children when we return to school on Tuesday 4th June.


The training for our year 6 girls footballers has now finished, The Year 3, 4 & 5 girls will continue. Mr Coyle is looking for new signings from Year 2. This is so that we can enter a competition with a Year 2 & 3 team and a year 4 & 5 team. There is a form for the new year 2 signings on ParentMail.


Please see attached an updated dates list that now includes the school photographer’s visit to our school for our class photos and the Year 6 leavers’ photos.

Have a lovely Half Term.

Take care

Kim Huggett