Key Stage 2 SATS Week

Dear Parents and Carers,

As the Key Stage 2 SATS tests are now only a few days away, here are the details of the week.

The test timetable is as follows:

  • Monday 13th May – English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Paper 1: questions (45 minutes) and Paper 2: spelling (20 minutes)

  • Tuesday 14th May – English Reading Test (60 minutes)

  • Wednesday 15th May – Mathematics Paper 1: Arithmetic (30 minutes) and Paper 2: Reasoning (40 minutes)

  • Thursday 16th May – Mathematics Paper 3: Reasoning (40 minutes)

    The children need to come to school at the normal time. Once the morning registration is complete, the children will enjoy a ‘top-up breakfast’ together on each of the test mornings. We have details of any food allergies on our records, however if these have changed please let the school know using the email address.

    The tests will begin at 9:30am.

    The children are allowed to bring in a small pocket-sized mascot to sit on the corner of their table if they wish. They may be a small soft toy or even a photograph of someone special. The children have been told if these become any kind of distraction, the mascots will be removed.

    It is important your child is in school on time. If they arrive late, they will have to be kept separate from the other Year 6s and complete the test on their own. Also, if your child is unwell on the day of the test, they will have to be kept separate from the rest of the children on their return until they have completed the missed test on their own.

    The children have been working incredibly hard over the past few months and we are sure they are going to use the coming days to allow themselves to be in the best possible shape to do as best as they can. This includes having a nice weekend and making sure good nights’ sleeps are had. Please do not organise any sleepovers for the next week or so! We expect all the the Year 6 children to ‘do their best – not be the best’.

    The children have been given this same information today.

    If you or they have any further questions regarding the SATS tests please talk to their class teacher.

    Kind regards

    Mrs Isaac, Mr Kelly, Mr Cox and Mr Hughes